Aside from occasionally going quietly mad from the lack of noise or people to talk to (messenger is good, but sometimes you need to actually talk to people), there is the danger of staying in bed all day, potential for eating everything in the fridge, occasions where you sit at the computer all day without moving - and my new downfall - non-stop internet shopping !!
Today I took delivery of some new t-shirts from a place called 'on-fire'. Mostly they were a total bargain - £4 a throw in the sale - but I did pay full price for one, because I liked the slogan on the front - could be my training motto I thought :)
In other postie related news - my Polar running gadget was returned from Polar complete with new battery - so I was ready for today's session.
Left my run until quite late - had some work that I wanted to get done before I went out, and then I was eating so I had to wait a couple of hours after that........ I did go though.
Today's session was billed as 8 miles, 1 mile warm-up, 6 miles at Long Tempo pace (4:48min/km or 7:46min/mile), 1 mile cool down.
I set off at a gentle pace, did 2km at that speed and then ramped it up for the next 10km, then slowed down to a walk for the last 500m or so.
It's funny - when I set off I couldn't imagine going any faster than I was, but when the time came to go faster - I just went faster, too fast in fact! The last couple of km were pretty tough - I had big stomach cramp for some reason, but I cracked on and got it finished. Good for me eh?
And a treat for you today - the map of my route :
I am good to you.
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