I know, I know - very slack, but sometimes the week just whizzes by, and you can't catch a minute to sit down and blog.
This week has been like that - I don't know where it has gone, and here we are at Friday again!
So, how has my training been going? Not bad as it goes.
On Monday (a day of rest) I appreciated how beneficial running more slowly is, because I hardly ached at all after my 16 mile run the day before. Although at the time it was still tough, definately less tired and less sore the next day - which was great.

By Tuesday I was ready for my intervals - and super ready because it was 400m intervals! I LOVE 400m intervals. They are run faster than the longer intervals - but are just long enough so that you are stopping by the time you are feeling the strain. Marvellous.
The session was 2 x (6 x 400m) with 1.5 minute RI between reps, and 2.5 minutes between the 2 sets. It was great - hard - but great, AND I managed to do them all with the incline set to 1%! Go me :)
On Wednesday I did some cycling. I cycled over to Farnborough (which was incredibly hard because I was running late so had to cycle as fast as I could!) to meet the lovely Louise for lunch in the BAE canteen. That was most pleasant - had a good catch up , a nice bit of salad bar, saw a few other people to say hello too - marvellous.
Cycled home from there - going to put a total of 40 minutes cycling on the training log.

Also, on the way to Farnborough narrowly missed getting dead. At one point you have to move over a bit in the left hand lane due to parked cars, I glanced over my right shoulder just before I was going to move out --- and there was a HUGE Range Rover about 5 cm from my back wheel!! If I had wobbled, I would have been a goner.
Often I think it is a good job you can't see behind you when you are cycling - there must be many situations like that which would totally put you off cycling if you realised how often you were close to being wiped out!
Still - I'm not dead, so that's a bonus.

Thursday - tempo run day - and also (at the moment) massage day. Went down to Guildford again for a sports massage. This week I had my legs pummelled by Matt - a very muscular young man, who I was a bit worried was going to snap me - luckily he didn't, although he was quite rigourous - and I came out feeling pretty good. So that was nice :)
Of course I hadn't managed to get my act together and go running before that - so I ended up not running till 6 pm (still haven't quite got into a routine with this working from home), and I have come to the conclusion that running after massage is not too great.
Still, I managed to do my session - 3km warm up, 5 km at short tempo pace (4:30min/km) 3km warm down, and my 5km at quick pace was only 20 seconds slower than it was the other week when I did it - and that week I felt amazing for some reason. Yesterday felt quite tough - especially up the hill - and I thought I was quite a bit slower, so 20 seconds wasn't too bad.
Today, I have just got back from playing badminton over in Farnborough with Mike who I used to work with. I did get my ass
wupped - 4 games to nothing (I was close in the 3rd game mind) - but it was great, I really enjoyed it. Am now trying to ignore the fact that my left ankle is sore and my back feels like it is broken :)
Hopefully there will be a next time though - and I will aim to win at least one game then - I think I was just too easy on him this time :)
So, I am looking forward to doing my
20 mile race on Sunday (resting tomorrow I think!), with Tom (who has been a bit ill this week) and Jon (who is doing the 10mile run - and has also been a bit ill this week). I am trying not to get ill - no time for that, I have a marathon training programme to follow!
So, more about the race after the event on Sunday - hopefully I will get round OK, certainly treating it like a training run, rather than an actual 'race' - and it has to be more 'fun' than running laps around here?
Till then though - enjoy your weekend!